

How would you rate your financial status 

(Net Worth)?

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How experienced are you in gardening, What's your garden's size and zone?

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What gardening zone are you located at?

Note: The following gardening zones are based on North America. Please select the appropriate zone if you reside outside North America.

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How experienced are you in gardening?

How large is your garden?

Have you ever participated in hunting, fishing or animal husbandry?

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What is your level of experience with fishing?

What is your level of experience with hunting?

What's your experience with animal husbandry? (e.g., chickens, livestock)

Where are you located at?

Rural: Within 100 km of major city, Remote Rural: More than 100 KM from major city

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What is the population of your urban area?

Do you have a bugout location, underground bunker, remote cabin, or cottage?

What is the population of your suburban area?

Do you have a bugout location, underground bunker, remote cabin, or cottage?

How would you describe your current health?

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What's your age?

How would you describe your weight?

Do you have any chronic health conditions?

How would you describe your living situation and support system?

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Do you possess any of these trade skills?

Trade Skills List: Plumbing, Carpenter, Blacksmithing, Welder, Electrician, Contractor, Farmer, Butcher, Machinist, Machanic, First Responder, Millitary, Police, Fire fighter, Medical Professionals, Radio Communication Specialist, Heavy equipment operators, Computer Tech, Robotics Tech.

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What's your experience with firearms, martial arts, and security systems?

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Do you have any firearm/combat experience?

How experienced are you in martial arts?

Do you have a surveillance system at your place?

Do you have a guard dog?

How would you assess your mental health?

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Do you have any substance abuse issues?

Have you been diagnosed with any mental health condition?

Do you smoke (cigarettes/vape)?

What is your level of education?

What is your IQ?

Note: If you're not certain, feel free to choose the option that you think fits best!

Do you have access to resources in an emergency?

My image

Do you have stored resources like food, fuel, medicine, ammo, etc?

Do you have a solar power system?

How close is your residence to fresh water resources?

Your Survival Score Breakdown:

You scored @finance/10 financially.

You scored (@gardenZone+@gardenYear+@gardenSize)/10 in gardening.

You scored (@fishing+@hunting+@animal)/10 in hunting & fishing.

Your scored (@urban+@urbanBugout+@suburban+@suburbanBugout+@location)/10 in your location.

You scored (@age+@weight+@chronic)/10 in fitness.

You scored @network/10 in community network.

You scored (@security+@surveillance+@martialArts+@dog)/10 in security.

You scored @trade/10 in skilled trades.

You scored (@mental+@diagnosed+@smoke+@education+@IQ)/10 in mental health.

You scored (@resources+@solar+@water)/10 in resources storage.


Your survival score is (@finance+(@gardenZone+@gardenYear+@gardenSize)+(@hunting+@fishing+@animal)+(@location+@urban+@urbanBugout+@suburban+@suburbanBugout)+(@age+@weight+@chronic)+@network+(@security+@surveillance+@martialArts+@dog)+@trade+(@mental+@diagnosed+@smoke+@education+@IQ)+@resources+@solar+@water) out of 100 


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